Jens Krumm, Vorstand +Pluswerk
Jens Krumm

CEO of +Pluswerk and Digital Entrepreneur

Scrum as inspiration and challenge

Under the guidance of our agile trainers, we explored the roles, implementation, values and pillars of Scrum in the workshops. In many practical exercises, we learnt how to apply Scrum again and again in a wide variety of situations. This also includes the fact that Scrum should be subjected to a profitability test in every project to ensure that it is the best solution for the requirements of the customer project.

The five fundamental Scrum values of focus, openness, commitment, courage and respect are not only important for the successful application of Scrum, but also for our daily work at +Pluswerk. We have therefore been working intensively on how we can integrate these values even more strongly into our teams and projects and what challenges and opportunities arise from this. An important point is also the courage to make mistakes: mistakes are an opportunity to learn from which we can grow together.

Nothing can replace face-to-face dialogue - especially in these digital times. That's why we meet once a year for the +Pluscamp, which this time took place from 15 to 17 June in the idyllically situated conference hotel "Sonneck" in the Knüllgebirge mountains in northern Hesse.

Many +Pluswerkers from our locations came together to immerse themselves in a total of nine different workshops over two days. The workshops, led by agile trainers Andreas Erber and Thorsten Göckeler, provided us with plenty of inspiration and new knowledge for our daily agile work.

Pluscamp 2023 - agile coach Thorsten in masses of cards from the agile card game Lucky Salmon on the carpeted floor
Agilität auch bei der Kennenlern-Übung: Mit dem “Lucky Lachs”-Spielkarten auf dem Boden fanden auch unbekannte +Pluswerker leicht zueinander

Pluscamp 2023: The big hit in the Knüllgebirge

Working hard and party hard

The social highlight of the +Pluscamp was undoubtedly the party on Friday evening. Here we indulged in culinary delights and took advantage of the relaxed atmosphere to socialise with the +Pluswerkers from other locations. An experienced DJ guaranteed a good atmosphere and ensured an exuberant party mood.

We are convinced that the annual meeting was not only a great benefit for us, but also for our customers. Thanks to the diverse workshops and the dialogue with the other +Pluswerkers, all participants took away new ideas and suggestions that will enable us to respond even better to the needs of our customers - a classic "win-win". 

+Pluswerk Regensburg
"My conclusion from Pluscamp 2023 is: I'm already looking forward to the next Pluscamp in 2024."
+Pluswerk Dortmund
"The team spirit was fantastic, everyone enjoyed the Pluscamp and working in the workshops."
+Pluswerk Dortmund
"With the workshops from the +Pluscamp, we can take our agile working methods to the next level."
+Pluswerk Magdeburg
"Interesting topics, great people, exciting dialogue and discussions, inspiring coaches and lots of fun."
+Pluswerk Regensburg
"We will take a lot of input from the workshops for our own processes."